Monday, December 1, 2014

Reflection On Blog

What is a blog ? A Blog is a website in which one or more authors chronologically texts or articles published, appearing first newest, and where the author always retains the freedom to leave published creating relevant. Also usual that the readers themselves actively participate through comments. A blog can be used to publish own ideas and opinions of others on various topics. During this semester I was able to habe my own blog, because the professor assigned us created a to do some work and reflections. Having a blog is a good and useful us you expose your thinking and open yourself to know what others think about knowledge.

This semester I had the opportunity to participate in a blog where the teacher was in charge of allocating some work and we published in blog so that everyone would access him. We were doing reflections and analysis about different readings or problems that restrains society. Every which risked their viewpoint and left clear his opinion.

I had some problems at first but then be coupled to the blog system and could download an application to have access and make entries from anywhere at any time, I recommend the mobile application because it is also easier to upload photos. Since I have the application on the phone I do not go from the computer. Personally I love the idea of being able to write from wherever, whenever and everyone can read me, is very practical.

I had a very good experience with the blog, because i did not know this existed and was a great help meet this method of letting know your opinion of things at all. I think not close the blog, because it was a new and innovative experience for me. Now I have the knowledge and practice to me and let the ideas flow open to all. I found an excellent idea of the teacher use the blog because we kept in communication and acquire the practice of exposing our thoughts and knowledge no matter what. Free Expression.