Sunday, November 16, 2014

Jim Cooper

I read two chapters of the book of Jim Cooper "Down On The Island". The first chapter entitled "Teaching" was about as Jim Cooper saw the development of education in the department of English that he was teaching at the College of Mayaguez. When Cooper began to teach realized that it was very difficult for students to learn the English language in Puerto Rico, as it was a difficult subject for students lost interest in her English class. Cooper visited many public schools to see how their system worked teaching and realized that neither of them  English teachers masters the language; Puerto Rico was facing a huge problem with education. After realizing the deficiency given that this population had the English, Cooper design a curriculum with some curse in English languege and stories. He wanted it all ended their language problems and to take out the most of your education.

The second chapter entitled "Helping" is ehen Cooper realizes that students had implemented a method of study "Community Work". This method consisted in how students help each other through frames and copied between them. In this chapter Cooper defines the Puertoricans as a very bountiful and hospitable person, who liked to help others. Students looked to their peers both in daily work and for  exams. Jim think that students are so cooperative and hospitable becuase since s child teach them. This causes that the students depends to another students.

Jim Cooper was impressed by the attitude of students when taking a test, and that when he asked why they were copied responded "because I do not know the answer" and when he asked to let others because their role is copied these would answer: "because he does not know and I'm your friend". I think Cooper is right and that these behaviors are learned because the desire to help others may end up killing him, and he will always be a parasite and will do nothing.


  1. It's funny how good intentions can turn into bad actions. There is a fine line between helping and cheating. We must do something to change this. Don't you think?

  2. Like Valeria said, there is a fine line between these two concepts. I firmly believe we can help the people around us, but I completely disagree with the act of cheating (for example, during a test or a quiz).
