Wednesday, September 17, 2014

My Island, My Identity

      Identity is all the traits of an individual or communityThese features are the subject or the community against the other.Identity is what defines a person, by his behavior, as it is expressed and where it comes from. People define you by your cultural aspects is that we all have two identitiesthe real identity of ourselves and the identity that others have about us.People judge you by how you express yourself and the way you speak, the language is part of your identity. Identity is something that everyone should care because in my opinion your identity is the perception that others have about you.
        I read an article about identity written by Peter Roberts. This article talks about identity and perceptions that people have about identity. Communities like people have a particular identity. The identity of a nation is judged by the identity of its people, its food, customs, beliefs, etc. I was looking for information about the perception that has the world on my island (Puerto Rico) and the world has a misconception about my country. People say that Puerto Rico is a very violent country and nobody is safe here. I am an expert in Puerto Rico because I have my whole life living in Puerto Rico and I know what the world thinks is false.
       Puerto Rico is a beautiful island, where I was born. Puerto Rico is a small spot on the globe, but over time we have become known. Puerto Rico is a very happy country that celebrates everything. Foreigners are determined to put the name of Puerto Rico in the soil and cannot be. Tourists come to Puerto Rico for a week and depend on what happened this week judge Puerto Rico.  Much of them say is Hell and others said it is Paradise, in my opinion both are wrong because they do not research or analyze Puerto Rico. I am Puerto Rican and my duty is to protect the identity of Puerto Rico, because if my country loses its identity I lose mine.


  1. Sometimes we can compare the tourists's comments with our news. Most of the time, the newspapers, television or radio programs emphasize in the bad news of our country instead of highlight the good ones. Great post!

  2. Very true how our birthplace and residence defines our identity. We defend what we love and for you that is your island. We are who we love, what we think and what we do! great post :)
