Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Neil Perry

The dead poets society was a group of students who met secretly to read poetry. This action was banned in school because parents paid for their children to be professionals and not artists. The dead poet’s society was composed of a group of friends who decided to follow the footsteps of his teacher, who was one of the founders of dead poet’s society along with other students.
    During the movie I saw many internal and external problems, but the character that caught my attention was Neil Perry. Neil Perry is a student who belongs to the "Dead Poets Society”. He is the one that had an external and internal journey at the most, because he wants to be an actor but his parents wanted him to become a doctor and not an actor. In his internal journey Neil wanted to be an artist, because there was nothing he liked more than that. But in his external journey he knows that is difficult, almost impossible serious because his father did not like the idea of became an actor. In this external and internal fighting, Neil decides to take his own life because he cannot stand the pressure of his father.
    I think that Mr. Perry (Neil’s father) is actually responsible for his suicide because he as a parent didn’t wanted to listen his own son on what he wanted to do and Mr. Perry forced Neil to be a doctor, something that he didn’t wanted. In my opinion Neil took a drastic measure to take his life. Even though it was a very hard situation to Neil, I think that was exaggerated kill them just for a problem. In the case of Neil, I had spoken to my father to come to some agreement and if he refused taking other measures such as escape, but never kill. Sometimes we let the problems get caught without seeing the solutions, just think of the consequences of the problem. Often addiction problems remain unresolved because we always do as Neil seeks the most drastic measures, because they are the easiest. The problems must be solved reaching some agreement where no one gets hurt.


  1. I also wrote about Neil Perry and I share your opinion!

  2. I don't think that I blame Mr. Perry for his son's death. We all make choices in life and Neil's made his decision. We can't take the blame for other people's decisions... his father was an awful man, but Neil decided to run from his problems.
