Wednesday, September 24, 2014

On "Small Place"

"Small place" is a book written by Jamaica Kincaid, the speaker in this book on a small island that has a large tourist activity. I had the opportunity to read the first two chapters and I found it very interesting because it talks about things that we always see, but never analyzed.
      Tourists are people who travel to other places for some reason. Tourists always have an idea or perspective of where they may think proper as it may have a wrong idea. Most of the time have a wrong idea as only set in the tourist areas of the site. For this reason, the bad reputation of a place is created.
      In these chapters the author criticizes the perspective of tourists and as tourists ignore the social problems of the places they visit. In this respect I was identified as in Puerto Rico this happens very frequently. The tourists will spend their good time and see the beautiful places in the country they visit, ignoring the problems and needs of Puerto Ricans. Tourists come to enjoy the natural beauty, leaving aside social disasters. Most of the time the tourists do not know anything about the place of sight-they are only aware of tourist areas. For this reason, described Jamaica as tourists lost ones who go in search of something that maybe there is not.
      During these first two chapters I was able to see that Jamaica is trying to open his eyes to the world and especially to tourists. She talks about this problem because she lived it, as a child witnessed incidents of racism, it's basically the same except that when her was little and now with a country. Jamaica basically what it does is expose tourists and open your eyes. Just like each country's history and perspective that deserves to stop the tourist ignorance. Surely you change your way of seeing tourism when you read these chapters.


  1. I like how you connected the Antigua's tourists Kincaid is talking about with those who visit our island. Great post about "A Small Place"!

  2. I completely that Jamaica Kincaid want to expose the ugly tourist to her reader. She does it in a really harsh way... Good post!
